


Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some frequently asked questions we put together to help you get started. If your question is not answered, please contact us.

What are the primary advantages of working with AlumniLocators compared to other firms?2024-04-11T02:37:48+00:00

Yes, it’s about The Data. But in many respects the database sources we rely upon aren’t a whole lot different than other major vendors like AlumniLocators. Access to the top data sources is a good start, but just as important is how the search / match process is programmed and applied for the most optimum results — for YOUR advantage. In short, the difference is best summed up in our approach to working along with you and your team to ensure a successful outcome – making you a better data expert along the way. That means a clear understanding of exactly what you expect within the constraints of your budget and the best road to get there. It also means an accurate assessment of your short term and long term plans for specific areas of your database that need improvement.

How can I contact other large University/College clients who have used your services over the past 6 months?2024-04-11T02:40:39+00:00

We realize there’s a lot of comfort in knowing who we’ve completed projects with recently and what their experience has been. After all, we only know what our clients tell us, but there’s always more to be learned when speaking with your counterparts in confidence. Naturally, we’de like to know what other institutions you may have particularly strong ties with so we can put you in touch with as many AlumniLocators clients as possible. However, if you’d simply prefer a short list of active clients with contact details, please let us know.

How can I receive a formal quote quickly?2018-08-16T20:54:13+00:00

We customize every quote based on specific append services selected and the volume of records for each service. Our website provides a convenient way to submit this information by clicking Request Quote from our home page. You may also call us with this information to get a “ball-park” estimate over the phone.

Do you offer annual maintenance agreements so we can schedule our batch processes throughout the year?2018-08-16T20:54:27+00:00

Yes, this has become a very popular method to ensure your database is as up-to-date as possible at the time you need it. Advance preparation with your marketing activities can coincide with any of our data append projects so you are ready to engage and start your campaigns through each major channel – direct mail, phone, email, and social media.

What are your payment terms?2024-04-11T02:41:16+00:00

Generally speaking our terms for payment are due on receipt of invoice after satisfactory completion of all data services performed to clients’ specifications. However, AlumniLocators recognizes that Purchase Order processing at many institutions often takes more than 30-days before checks are disbursed. We appreciate advance notice if payment is expected to be delayed beyond a reasonable period of time. AlumniLocators provides added flexibility on invoices that may be split to accommodate fiscal year-end budgeting.

What is the average turn around time for data verification?2024-04-11T02:43:49+00:00

Average turnaround time for AlumniLocators data append services is 1 to 3 business days. There are a two main exceptions to this guideline. Email append projects take 5 to 10 days due to permission letter processing and CAN SPAM regulations 2) Employment data from 3 to 10 days depending on file size and whether matching gift information is included.

Is our data at risk for exposure?2024-04-11T02:44:28+00:00

AlumniLocators upholds high level security measures and data encryption on every data append project. Anti-virus software deployed at each stage of processing, along with secure SSL / password protected site for all transfers. Please ask your IT department to contact us if further details are needed. AlumniLocators has been a trusted source of the largest higher-ed institutions in the country for over 20 years with an unblemished record in data security.

How can I be assured your data formats are compatible with our CRM requirements?2024-04-11T02:45:11+00:00

One size clearly doesn’t fit all, which is why all AlumniLocators output formats are customized to your specific needs for the safest and easiest upload to your systems. We encourage you to involve IT in the early stages of any data append project so we can develop a clear understanding of your data, and how you expect to get it back. All of our services identify new appended updates, verifications of your existing data, and associated match codes. For many AlumniLocators clients, our standard file layout is sufficient, however we can easily imitate any format that you may be accustomed to from providers like Blackbaud and others.

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    Data Checklist

    Take advantage of our free data analysis to uncover and reconnect with missing constituents across multiple channels.

    Request A Free Quote

    Our experienced team will work with you to predict match rates more accurately and  present detailed options on updating your database at the lowest cost.

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